WebsiteBaker Tutorials

It is not hard to do stuff in WebsiteBaker but sometimes it is nice to get some help to get things started...

Building a basic template - Part 2

By Robin Bruinsma - Nibz

Porting template to WebsiteBaker

Hi there, and welcome to the second part of my tutorial.

In the first part of the tutorial we built a HTML template, in this part we are going to convert it to a folder with files that WebsiteBaker will understand (further on I will call this ‘porting’ just like in the title of this tutorial).

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Building a basic template - Part 1

By Robin Bruinsma - Nibz

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a very basic HTML template.

I will also cover some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimalisation) techniques, since we all like to be able to be found by Search Engine’s like Google.

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